GRIP Figure game
Get a Grip


We are a club for miniature wargaming, such as Games Workshops Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, Kill Team, Necromunda, Blood Bowl etc. 

We focus on high end gaming tables and monthly events, such as tournaments and painting competitions. 

Becoming a member

By becoming a member you will be able to use our gaming tables by booking one during the hours of availability. Which is 10 am to 10 pm everyday. This is done via 'Book at table' form below. 

As a member you also get a 17,5% discount on Games Workshop related products. These products are order via us at Grip Figurspel, and placed with Rapid Tabletop who gives us the discounted price. 

Find the form at the bottom of the page in the tab "medlemmar & beställa GW". 

There are more benefits of course, and we will gladly inform you with a welcoming email. 

Membership costs are:

800 kr per year or;

400 kr for six months.

All the income to the club must by law be used in the clubs interest. Meaning no salary to anyone in the board. All profit has to be used for the club, such as rent, new terrain, repairs, events.

Sign up/renewal as a member


Book a table

Contact us